Bangkok Expressway and Metro Public Company Limited or BEM is a provider of expressway and metro services, together with commercial development related to expressway and metro systems, with a commitment to developing effective and cutting-edge transportation network systems aimed at facilitating travel and mitigating traffic problems, as well as contributing to the improved quality of life for the service users. To that end, BEM bases its business operations on social and environmental responsibility while also giving priority to safe, convenient and rapid travel. BEM is committed to conducting its business in accordance with its intention, which primarily takes into account corporate governance, social and environmental responsibility to achieve the sustainable business growth and development, and simultaneously strives to provide appropriate benefits to stakeholders of all groups and grow alongside them. BEM values its suppliers for being a significant part in its business operations; therefore, to ensure that the business operations between BEM and its suppliers are in conformity with the corporate governance-based business policy in pursuit of sustainability in business collaboration; BEM has established this Supplier Code of Conduct so that it can be used by its suppliers as a guideline for conducting business with BEM and bring benefit to their business as appropriate. To this aim, BEM and its suppliers will greatly collaborate in assuring efficient work through communication, information sharing, as well as mutually discovering proper practical guidelines, including evaluation and monitoring of the respective operations to ensure strict adherence to this Supplier Code of Conduct.
BEM refers to Bangkok Expressway and Metro Public Company Limited.
Supplier refers to a seller, contractor and/or service provider for BEM, whether they are legal entities or natural individuals.
This Supplier Code of Conduct covers all groups of suppliers and contractors, including their employees, representatives and sub-contractors or business partners.
1. Environment
Suppliers must conduct its environmental management in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations.
1.2 Use of Resources and Energy
Suppliers must be committed to the effective use of all resources and energy sources, while also taking the environmental impact into account. Examples of this commitment include the use of eco-friendly materials, the use of materials that help reduce GHG emissions, the recycling, including efficient waste disposal.
Suppliers must conduct management in respect of storage, release or disposal of waste, chemicals, and hazardous materials generated by their business activities in a way which comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, without harming the environment.
2. Society, Human Rights and Labor
Suppliers must strictly comply with the laws related to occupational safety and health; provide a safe and healthy work environment in order to minimize and control the impact from accidents, injuries, illnesses and emergencies, including provision of appropriate and sufficient personal protective equipment for their employees. Additionally, suppliers should also encourage their employees to raise any safety concerns, if any, without fear of negative consequences for them.
Suppliers must identify and evaluate any emergency situations, including planning,
as well as establishing practical regulations that serve to reduce the effects of such
a situation.
Suppliers must adhere to laws, rules and regulations pertaining to labor protection. Examples of their adherence include the following:
- No slave labor and human trafficking
- Employment of legitimate foreigners
- Suppliers must not use child labor under the legal minimum age. In the event that child labor is used, suppliers must be obligated to provide child labor protection
as required by the law in all respects and be verifiable. - Suppliers must not assign a female employee to perform any work which may endanger her health and safety. In addition, pregnant female employees must be provided with the protection and benefits as required by the law.
- In the event of employment of foreign labor, suppliers must fully comply with the applicable laws.
Suppliers must accord fair and equitable treatment and employment, without discrimination or prejudice on the basis of race, nationality, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability, or any form of unequal treatment.
2.5 Employment Conditions
Suppliers must comply with laws, rules and regulations pertaining to working conditions, including working hours, compensation and termination.
2.6 Community Engagement
Suppliers must not violate the community rights and should strengthen community engagement to maintain good relationship at the operational sites.
3. Business Ethics
Suppliers must observe contracts and conditions which have been mutually agreed upon, by delivering quality goods and services at reasonable and fair prices on schedule
in order to satisfy customers’ needs, while also taking full responsibility for the quality of the goods and services so delivered, and regularly develop goods and services.
Suppliers must operate their business in compliance with all national and local laws, including any rules or regulations which are applicable to business operations, along with licenses required for such location.
Suppliers must comply with laws and regulations pertaining to anti-corruption, anti-bribery, and any other acts which have prohibited characteristics in business perspective. Additionally, suppliers must be well aware that BEM has its firm intention of strictly observing the policy on corruption prevention and combating, including neither giving or accepting any bribes. Any suppliers, who are involved, whether directly or indirectly, in the payment or receipt of bribes or support such an action, must result in their contract termination. BEM shall not be responsible for any damages incurred to the suppliers as a result of such contract termination and such suppliers may be subject to legal proceedings.
Suppliers must acknowledge that they should refrain from giving or receiving any things or benefits which may influence operational decision-making or result in unfair benefits, unless it is a gift that is offered according to customary business practice during a festival or tradition, and is of at a reasonable value.
Suppliers are required to notify BEM if they find any action that appears to be a conflict of interest between BEM’s management, employees, or personnel and suppliers.
Suppliers are prohibited from divulging and using confidential information and/or internal information of BEM and of its business-related persons to seek their own or for any other persons’ benefit, whether directly or indirectly, and shall not use such information without consent. This includes the privacy of personal data in accordance with applicable laws.
Suppliers must accurately collect and disclose information in terms of business, environment, social activities, structure, and performance, in accordance with provisions of applicable laws.
3.8 Intellectual Property Rights
Suppliers must conduct their business without violating others’ intellectual property and uphold intellectual property infringement prevention measures.
Any suppliers or related parties who have any questions or observe any suspicious actions that may be in violation or breach of the laws, rules, regulations, codes of conduct or policies of BEM, are welcome to contact us, whether inquire or report clues or file complaints, together with supporting details and evidence, through the channels given below:
Bangkok Expressway and Metro Public Company Limited
No. 238/7 Asoke-Din Daeng Road, Bang Kapi Subdistrict
Huai Khwang District, Bangkok 10310
Telephone : 0 26414611
E-mail : companysecretary@bemplc.co.th
MRT Information Service Center
Mon - Fri 07.00 a.m. - 08.00 p.m.
Sat-Sun and Public Holiday 08.00 a.m. - 05.00 p.m.
- About BEM
- About BEM
- Milestone
- General Information
- Nature of Business
- Message from the Chairman of the Board of Directors
- Organization Chart
- Board of Directors
- Audit Committee
- Nomination and Remuneration Committee
- Corporate Governance, Risk Management and Sustainable Development Committee
- Executive Committee
- Management Team
- Corporate Governance
- Corporate Governance
- Vision & Mission
- Goals & Business Strategies
- Corporate Governance Policy
- Charter of the Committee
- Articles of Association
- Code of Conduct
- Code of Conduct of Investor Relations
- Supplier Code of Conduct
- Contact Corporate Secretary
- Privacy Center
- Take Down Notice
- Sustainability
B2B with BEM
- CommercialDevelopment
- Procurement
Career with BEM
- Career with BEM
Copyright © 2017 Bangkok Expressway and Metro Public Company Limited.
Member of , APTA and COMET