Materiality & SDGs


BEM has assessed and reviewed material sustainability issues to analyze their relevance to the company's business operations. The process of assessing these material issues supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by encompassing all three dimensions: Environmental, Social, and Governance & Economic.

Materiality Assessment Process


Predetermined Material Sustainability Topics

“Double Materiality” Assessment

BEM recognizes the importance of considering material topics in sustainable business operations from a double perspective : 

  • Outside-In Perspective : Material topic to society and environment, which may be caused by the Company’s activities or business operations and may eventually produce an impact back on the Company. 

  • Inside-Out Perspective : Material topic to the Company, taking into account risks with impact on the Company’s finances, which affect business success and sustainability.

This dual aspect assessment process can help the Company understand and address the materiality of topics associated with the Company’s efficient and sustainable business conduct. In practice, the “Double Materiality” approach enables the Company to take responsibility for the Company’s stakeholders and the environment as well as drive businesses towards long-term success.


Table showing the impact level on each material topic in 2023

Impact Level
Material Topic
Sustainable Development Goals : SDGs

Value Creation

Health and Safety
Human Capital Development
Energy Management and Climate Change
IT Security and Data Privacy


Environmental Management


Corporate Governance
Customer Relationship Management
Corporate Social Responsibility
Supply Chain Management

Fundamental / Foundation

Risk and Crisis Management

Stakeholder Engagement
Human Rights
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